

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day By Day

Not much posting going on these days, as I feel not much is going on worth commenting in my training life. Workouts are getting done, miles are being run and cycled and, more slowly, swum, but nothing unusual or particularly noteworthy.

I am riding a little longer than I have in a couple of seasons, it feels like. Since I am a bit of a short distance specialist, sprints and olys, having only done one half-Ironman back in 2009, I don't feel the need to ride particularly long. I like long weekend training rides, but since I don't exactly have time for that kind of thing these days, short distance is working out for me and I can feel good about the days I get 40 or 45 in, even while my Ignite teammates are all banking 80+ mile  rides, something I have never actually done.

Those long days in the saddle on gorgeous summer days out in the Virginia countryside actually sound kind of fun, but so is being at home with the family, so I make the choices and I am often riding out the door in the early morning. But I love beating the crowds!

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